The Director Laser and Optics Research Centre (DLORC) is responsible to the DG DRDB for the following:
1. To conduct research in laser development, laser applications and large optics using a well-equipped laboratory. 2. To coordinate the development of high power laser sources and related technologies for directed energy applications. 3. To ensure the development of technologies and systems for laser support measures like chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE). 4. To develop laser countermeasure systems, including non-lethal systems. 5. Carry out advanced directed research in the field of lasers and photonics.
Deputy Director Laser and Optics Research Centre
The Deputy Director Laser and Optics Research and Development Centre(DDLORC) is responsible to the DLORC for the following:
1. Assist in the conduct of research in laser development, laser applications and large optics using a well-equipped laboratory. 2. Assist in coordinating the development of high power laser sources and related technologies for directed energy applications. 3. Assist in ensuring the development of technologies and systems for laser support measures like chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE).